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Are you researching what to do and where to start for an upcoming building project? Here’s a quick walk through of the building process from start to finish. Designed to help those of you trying to navigate the building process. Work out where to start, what’s involved and who to talk to.

Step 1: Create your brief

Know what work you can and can’t do, to help shape your ideas. The local council can help with the basics so have your Lot number and Property ID (from your rates notice). They can advise your boundary set-backs (the distance the building must be from the boundary) plus, overlays such as bush fire or flood zones and where utilities such as power, water and sewage come into your property.  Call before you dig is also a great place to start and it’s free. For more information about doing your building research click here

Decide what you want to achieve and what you are willing to invest. Depending on the block, age of the house or past build quality, there may be hidden costs before you get out of the ground, or repair to old or inadequate past work. Then ask yourself what level of finishes and quality do you want? For more information about working out your building budget click here

Step 2. Find professionals

Ask around for honest experiences and results, look for third party reviews, full licensing, insurances and check their portfolio. There’s more to compare than price and it’s easy to get caught in a game of price. What starts cheap ends up much higher with inevitable cost variations. It pays to do some research, so you understand how to read and compare quotes and make an informed decision. To read more about finding builders please click here

Step 3. Working plans

Working plans have specifications the builder can use to price your project and of course follow, for the build. You can either go to a building designer or an architect. Who you choose really depends on the level of design instruction you desire (do you want colours, door handles, interiors etc specified, or do you just want the basic building), and of course your budget. Building designers start from $6,000 + for a basic design, architects from $15,000 + and can design the entire plan, colours and interiors. To learn more about getting working plans please click here.

Step 4. Engineering

If your block slopes greater than 15% you’ll need a Soil test & a Slope Stability Report to assess if the ground is stable, and to determine foundation and structural requirements. Retaining walls, reinforced concrete columns, and suspended slabs are just some examples where engineering is required. Your builder will advise if you need engineering. To read more about engineering and whether you need it click here.

Step 5. Contract

Builders will use their preferred industry association contract which outlines the projects amount, specifications and payment plan.  Ward Builders uses Master Builders contracts and others may use HIA. Although fixed, Provisional Sums and Prime Coast items can increase the contract price, if you are shopping around be cautious of very cheap quotes.   To learn more about building contracts click here.

Step 6. Building approval

A new building, or a change to the buildings’ foot print requires building approval and to do this you need to engage a registered accredited Certifier. They’ll assess whether the proposed work complies with the Building Act 1975 and associated standards. If it does, they will issue a building permit.  Once you have approval and building commences, there may be stages that the certifier needs to inspect and approve. Failure to get these inspections may mean you cannot get your Form 21 and occupancy certificate. For information about building approvals please click here.

Step 7. Completion

Once the building is completed, the certifier will conduct their final inspection and issue a Form 21. You’ll receive a final invoice for Practical Completion from the builder. At this point you’ll need to provide a defects list so that the builder can address them – if you haven’t already addressed them during the build. Once all of this is addressed and resolved, the builder will handover. This is where the builder’s insurance ends, and your home insurance begins. To read more about practical completion and what to expect please click here.

The Building Process eBook

Useful advice on the building process from where to start right, through to practical completion.

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