Want to save money by supplying your own PC Items such as the floor tiles, flooring, bathroom fittings, kitchen components, kitchen taps, bathroom taps…or whatever it may be.? It seems like a good way to make savings, but here’s a little insight as to why it might not always be economical to supply them yourself…
Put very, very simply, to a supplier, the builder represents repeat and ongoing business. A consumer on the other hand, is usually a one-off sale. Once they leave they aren’t likely to come back, therefore they are a lower priority.
Comparatively, builders have ongoing relationships with suppliers developed over time, and they receive competitive pricing which they pass on to you. Most importantly, builders are also supplied within deadline and their supplies understand that they need to supply specification information to the builder.
Timely delivery is important
If you’re items aren’t onsite, on time, the builder and other contractors such as plumbers, electricians, water-proofers etc can’t complete their stage of the project. It’s like a domino effect. When one trade gets held up and it almost always holds up the rest. It’s not as simple as stalling just one, you often miss your slot entirely, delaying your completion and more often than not, the moving in date. Likewise you can’t have your supplies onsite too early unless there is a dry, secure place to store them.. and, of course out of the way. It’s not feasible to have everything delivered if there is nowhere to store it. They’ll be in the way of trades and will possibly get damaged.
Timely physical delivery isn’t the only thing the builder needs.
Ahead of time they need the exact sizing and specifications to plan-ahead, and to have necessary components made up. They need to have the bath template and the kitchen sink size for the cabinet maker. They need to know what type of tiles you are having to get the labour cost and timeframe from the tiler.
Some builders will charge a daily penalty for delays your supplies have caused.
When the builder organises your PC items, this is organisation is seamlessly happening in the background. If you are going to supply any items yourself, make sure you have all the specifications ready for the builder and organise delivery at the right time to avoid set-backs and delays. And if it needs to be stored, organise a safe, dry place out of the way.